5 Ariz. J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y Logue (2014-2015)Additional Links
Water is a most precious resource sustaining life for every community on the globe. Water is the key to comfortable and sustainable future for the growing populations in Arizona’s desert cities. Population changes and limited ground and surface water resources, such as the Colorado River, are pushing Arizona to come up with new ideas to respond to the demand for a safe, clean, and reliable water supply. One possible solution to this problem is the reuse of water. The reuse of water in Arizona would help to provide a sustainable water supply that is able to meet the demand. Indirect reuse and direct reuse of wastewater for potable supply are two creative ways to ensure that there is enough water to sustain the increasing population in the desert climate. Although both methods are environmentally sound and provide water resources that are safe for the environment and the population, Arizona should implement a system of direct potable reuse of water. An explanation of the differences and similarities between the two systems will indicate that direct potable reuse of water is the best policy for Arizona.Type