Meteoritics & Planetary Science is an international monthly journal of the Meteoritical Society—a scholarly organization promoting research and education in planetary science. Topics include the origin and history of the solar system, planets and natural satellites, interplanetary dust and interstellar medium, lunar samples, meteors and meteorites, asteroids, comets, craters, and tektites.

Meteoritics & Planetary Science was first published in 1935 under the title Contributions of the Society for Research on Meteorites. In 1947, the publication became known as Contributions of the Meteoritical Society and continued through 1951. From 1953 to 1995, the publication was known as Meteoritics, and in 1996, the journal's name was changed to Meteoritics & Planetary Science or MAPS. The journal was not published in 1952 and from 1957 to 1964.

This archive provides access to Meteoritics & Planetary Science Volumes 37-44 (2002-2009).

Visit Wiley Online Library for new and retrospective Meteoritics & Planetary Science content (1935-present).

ISSN: 1086-9379


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Recent Submissions

  • 2007 Barringer Medal for Christian Koeberl

    Reimold, Wolf Uwe (The Meteoritical Society, 2007-01-01)
  • Subject Index

    The Meteoritical Society, 2007-01-01
  • Abstracts

    The Meteoritical Society, 2007-01-01
  • Author Index

    The Meteoritical Society, 2007-01-01
  • The Asco meteorite (1805): New petrographic description, chemical data, and classification

    Gattacceca, J.; Bourot-Denise, M.; Brandstaetter, F.; Folco, L.; Rochette, P. (The Meteoritical Society, 2007-01-01)
    We present magnetic measurements, chemical analyses, and petrographic observations of the poorly studied Asco historical meteorite fall (1805). These new data indicate that this meteorite has been previously misclassified as an L6 ordinary chondrite. Asco is reclassified as an H6 ordinary chondrite with shock stage S3. An interesting feature of this meteorite is the presence of chromiteplagioclase assemblages with variable textures.
  • The Villalbeto de la Peña meteorite fall: III. Bulk chemistry, porosity, magnetic properties, 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy

    Llorca, J.; Gich, M.; Molins, E. (The Meteoritical Society, 2007-01-01)
    Detailed mineralogical and chemical studies and measurements of the magnetic properties and porosity of the Villalbeto de la Peña (L6) chondrite are reported. The measured abundances of 36 chemical elements are within the range observed for L6 chondrites for most elements, except for Pd and Os, which are particularly abundant in Villalbeto de la Peña. The specific magnetic susceptibility of the meteorite is 4.85 +/- 0.05 (in 10^(-9) m^3kg^(-1)) and the porosity is 4.7%. The JRS/JS (1.2 +/- 0.2 x 10^(-3)) and HC (3.3 x 10^(-4) T) values recorded are among the lowest ever reported for a chondrite. 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy of the whole rock indicates that the meteorite faced oxidizing conditions prior to fall. The Mössbauer spectrum of the metal fraction shows the presence of the only ferromagnetic phases kamacite and taenite. No tetrataenite is present, which is in total accordance to magnetic studies. Raman spectra yield compositional values for olivine (Mg ~0.76), orthopyroxene (Mg ~0.79), and clinopyroxene (Mg ~0.49). Raman spectra of phosphate in shock veins indicates that Villalbeto de la Peña was not severely shock-metamorphosed.
  • 2007 Leonard Medal for Michel Maurette

    Brownlee, Donald (The Meteoritical Society, 2007-01-01)