Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 44, Number 3 (2009)
Meteoritics & Planetary Science is an international monthly journal of the Meteoritical Society—a scholarly organization promoting research and education in planetary science. Topics include the origin and history of the solar system, planets and natural satellites, interplanetary dust and interstellar medium, lunar samples, meteors and meteorites, asteroids, comets, craters, and tektites.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science was first published in 1935 under the title Contributions of the Society for Research on Meteorites. In 1947, the publication became known as Contributions of the Meteoritical Society and continued through 1951. From 1953 to 1995, the publication was known as Meteoritics, and in 1996, the journal's name was changed to Meteoritics & Planetary Science or MAPS. The journal was not published in 1952 and from 1957 to 1964.
This archive provides access to Meteoritics & Planetary Science Volumes 37-44 (2002-2009).
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Recent Submissions
Magnetic classification of stony meteorites: 3. AchondritesA database of magnetic susceptibility measurements of stony achondrites (acapulcoitelodranite clan, winonaites, ureilites, angrites, aubrites, brachinites, howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) clan, and Martian meteorites, except lunar meteorites) is presented and compared to our previous work on chondrites. This database provides an exhaustive study of the amount of iron-nickel magnetic phases (essentially metal and more rarely pyrrhotite and titanomagnetite) in these meteorites. Except for ureilites, achondrites appear much more heterogeneous than chondrites in metal content, both at the meteorite scale and at the parent body scale. We propose a model to explain the lack of or inefficient metal segregation in a low gravity context. The relationship between grain density and magnetic susceptibility is discussed. Saturation remanence appears quite weak in most metal-bearing achondrites (HED and aubrites) compared to Martian meteorites. Ureilites are a notable exception and can carry a strong remanence, similar to most chondrites.
The Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 95The Meteoritical Bulletin No. 95 reports 1093 (282 non-Antarctic and 801 Antarctic) newly approved meteorite names and their recovery histories, macroscopic descriptions, petrography, mineral compositions and geochemistry. Meteorites reported include lunar meteorites, eucrites, mesosiderites, angrites, ureilites, an acapulcoite, and H, L, LL, R, CO, CM, CK and CV chondrites. Three new falls, the Bunburra Rockhole (Australia) eucrite and the recent (Nov., 2008) Buzzard Coulee (Canada) H4 chondrite, and Tamdakht (Morocco) H5 chondrite are reported.
The Obolon impact structure, Ukraine, and its ejecta depositsThe Obolon impact structure, 18 km in diameter, is situated at the northeastern slope of the Ukrainian Shield near its margin with the Dnieper-Donets Depression. The crater was formed in crystalline rocks of the Precambrian basement that are overlain by marine Carboniferous and continental Lower Triassic deposits. The post-impact sediments comprise marine Middle Jurassic (Bajocian and Bathonian) and younger Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits. Today the impact structure is buried beneath an about 300-meter-thick sedimentary rock sequence. Most information on the Obolon structure is derived from two boreholes in the western part of the crater. The lowest part of the section in the deepest borehole is composed by allogenic breccia of crystalline basement rocks overlain by clast-rich impact melt rocks and suevites. Abundant shock metamorphic effects are planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz and feldspars, kink bands in biotite, etc. Coesite and impact diamonds were found in clast-rich impact melt rocks. Crater-fill deposits are a series of sandstones and breccias with blocks of sedimentary rocks that are covered by a layer of crystalline rock breccia. Crystalline rock breccias, conglomeratic breccias, and sandstones with crystalline rock debris have been found in some boreholes around the Obolon impact structure to a distance of about 50 km from its center. Those deposits are always underlain by Lower Triassic continental red clay and overlain by Middle Jurassic marine clay. The K-Ar age of impact melt glasses is 169 Ma, which corresponds to the Middle Jurassic (Bajocian) age. The composition of crater-fill rocks within the crater and sediments outside the Obolon structure testify to its formation under submarine conditions.
The Jiddat al Harasis 073 strewn field, Sultanate of OmanThe recently discovered Jiddat al Harasis (JaH) 073 strewn field is the largest found so far in the Sultanate of Oman, covering an area of 19 x 6 km. The 3463 single stones collected range in weight from 52.2 kg down to <1 g (total weight 600.8 kg) and show a pronounced mass sorting. The strewn field shape can be approximated by a NW-SE-oriented ellipsoid, indicating an atmospheric entry from SE at a low angle relative to the surface. The meteorite belongs to the L6 ordinary chondrite group and shows S4 average shock grade. Smaller stones generally show a higher weathering grade resulting in a spread from W2 and W4. Enhanced weathering of the stones causing fragmentation after the fall is observed in sandy depressions. Five 14C measurements on stones of variable size and weathering grade yielded 14C from 3.8 to 49.9 dpm/kg. Three samples give a 14C/10Be age consistent with about 14.4 ka. For two samples the cosmogenic, trapped, and radiogenic noble gases were measured. The ratio of the 4He and 40Ar gas retention ages of 0.29 +/- 0.10 and that of the 3He and 21Ne cosmic ray exposure ages of 0.36 +/- 0.08 Ma indicate that JaH 073 experienced a complex exposure history and lost 4He and 40Ar due to a major collision. Fragmentation statistics indicate a single major atmospheric disruption and an originally relatively spherical shape of the object. Assuming the material collected represents the majority of fallen mass, and 90-99% of the original weight was lost by ablation, the pre-atmospheric minimum radius of the meteoroid with density 3.4 g cm^(-3) would have been at least 75 cm.
Thermal histories of IVA iron meteorites from transmission electron microscopy of the cloudy zone microstructureWe have measured the size of the high-Ni particles in the cloudy zone and the width of the outer taenite rim in eight low shocked and eight moderately to heavily shocked IVA irons using a transmission electron microscope (TEM). Thin sections for TEM analysis were produced by a focused ion beam instrument. Use of the TEM allowed us to avoid potential artifacts which may be introduced during specimen preparation for SEM analysis of high Ni particles <30 nm in size and to identify microchemical and microstructural changes due to the effects of shock induced reheating. No cloudy zone was observed in five of the eight moderately to highly shocked >13 GPa) IVA irons that were examined in the TEM. Shock induced reheating has allowed for diffusion from 20 nm to 400 nm across kamacite/taenite boundaries, recrystallization of kamacite, and the formation, in Jamestown, of taenite grain boundaries. In the eleven IVA irons with cloudy zone microstructures, the size of the high-Ni particles in the cloudy zone increases directly with increasing bulk Ni content. Our data and the inverse correlation between cooling rate and high-Ni particle size for irons and stony-irons show that IVA cooling rates at 350-200 degrees C are inversely correlated with bulk Ni concentration and vary by a factor of about 15. This cooling rate variation is incompatible with cooling in a metallic core that was insulated with a silicate mantle, but is compatible with cooling in a metallic body of radius 150 +/- 50 km. The widths of the tetrataenite regions next to the cloudy zone correlate directly with high-Ni particle size providing another method to measure low temperature cooling rates.
Evidence for K-rich terranes on Vesta from impact spherulesThe howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) clan is a group of meteorites that probably originate from the asteroid Vesta. Some of them are complex breccias that contain impact glasses whose compositions mirror that of their source regions. Some K-rich impact glasses (up to 2 wt% K2O) suggest that in addition to basalts and ultramafic cumulates, K-rich rocks are exposed on Vestas surface. One K-rich glass (up to 6 wt% K2O), with a felsic composition, provides the first evidence of highly differentiated K-rich rocks on a large asteroid. They can be compared to the rare lunar granites and suggest that magmas generated in a large asteroid are more diverse than previously thought.
Nebular shock waves generated by planetesimals passing through Jovian resonances: Possible sites for chondrule formationThe primordial asteroid belt contained at least several hundred and possibly as many as 10,000 bodies with diameters of 1000 km or larger. Following the formation of Jupiter, nebular gas drag combined with passage of such bodies through Jovian resonances produced high eccentricities (e = 0.3-0.5), low inclinations (i < 0.5 degrees), and, therefore, high velocities (3-10 km/s) for resonant bodies relative to both nebular gas and non-resonant planetesimals. These high velocities would have produced shock waves in the nebular gas through two mechanisms. First, bow shocks would be produced by supersonic motion of resonant bodies relative to the nebula. Second, high-velocity collisions of resonant bodies with non-resonant bodies would have generated impact vapor plume shocks near the collision sites. Both types of shocks would be sufficient to melt chondrule precursors in the nebula, and both are consistent with isotopic evidence for a time delay of ~1-1.5 Myr between the formation of CAIs and most chondrules. Here initial simulations are first reported of impact shock wave generation in the nebula and of the local nebular volumes that would be processed by these shocks as a function of impactor size and relative velocity. Second, the approximate maximum chondrule mass production is estimated for both bow shocks and impact-generated shocks assuming a simplified planetesimal population and a rate of inward migration into resonances consistent with previous simulations. Based on these initial first-order calculations, impact-generated shocks can explain only a small fraction of the minimum likely mass of chondrules in the primordial asteroid belt (~10^24-10^25 g). However, bow shocks are potentially a more efficient source of chondrule production and can explain up to 10-100 times the estimated minimum chondrule mass.