Journal of Range Management, Volume 19, Number 4 (July 1966)
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Print ISSN: 0022-409x
Online ISSN: 1550-7424
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Journal of Range Management, Volume 19, Number 4 (July 1966)Society for Range Management, 1966-07-01
The Focal-Point Technique of Vegetation InventoryThe focal-point technique of vegetation inventory is designed to permit random selection of points on a circular-line transect. The telescope from a surveyor's transit or level is the key to the device. Properly mounted on a tripod, the instrument permits identification of species and recording of point "hits" from a standing position.
The Bushland Range InterseederA range interseeder was designed and constructed at the Southwestern Great Plains Research Center in 1960. The results show promise on heavy soils as well as light ones.
Species Preference of Hereford and Santa Gertrudis Cattle on A Southern New Mexico RangeThe species preferences of Hereford and Santa Gertrudis cows were observed during a 3-year period. The cattle grazed a variety of species, undoubtedly an important factor affecting nutritional status. They ate, to some extent, all available species. There was no apparent difference between breeds in the quantity of coarse plants consumed.
Shrub Control and Reseeding Effects on the Oak Chaparral of ArizonaBurning-reseeding and burning-reseeding-herbicide treatments near Dewey, Arizona significantly reduced oak chaparral shrub cover for over 7 years and resulted in significantly greater grass production for 5 to 7 years. Grass production was up to 770 lb/acre greater on treated areas than on untreated, depending on the type of treatment, number of years following treatment, and various environmental factors.
Pinyon-Juniper Litter Reduces Growth of Blue GramaWhat is there about pinyon and juniper trees which reduces growth of blue grama? This study shows that the chief influence is due to tree litter, not canopy.
Pelleting Good and Poor Quality Prairie Grasses at Different Temperatures and PressuresPhysical or chemical changes caused by the pelleting process were shown to affect the digestibility of cellulose within range grasses. Pelleting first and third stages of western wheatgrass and little bluestem grasses caused a signficant (P<.05) increase in in vitro cellulose digestibility. Chemical changes in forage structure by pelleting were suggested by infra-red, X-ray diffraction and polymerization studies although no change in amount of cellulose, lignin, or protein was indicated. No increased benefit resulted from pelleting poor quality as compared to good quality western wheatgrass or little bluestem.
Influence of Number and Spacing of Points on Accuracy and Precision of Basal Cover EstimatesRecords from 350 line intercept transects from a foothill bunchgrass range were sampled systematically and at random with 25, 50, and 100 points per line. Statistical analyses were made to compare point densities, point placement, and their interactions for 12 plant categories. Sod-forming species were sampled best by random placement, bunch-grasses by systematic placement, and for plant groups with high basal cover either placement would suffice.
Fertilization of Cheatgrass Ranges In CaliforniaNitrogen plus sulfur increased production of cheatgrass in 9 of 11 years studied. However, fertilization was not a dependable means of producing additional forage in dry years.
Factors Affecting Utilization of Mountain Slopes By CattleMany factors affect the utilization of mountain terrain by cattle and these factors are interrelated and exert their influence in a complicated manner. Actual use obtained under good management is the most accurate method of determining the utilization obtainable on a particular mountain slope.
Estimating Plains Pocket Gopher Abundance on Adjacent Soil Types By A Revised TechniqueA measuring wheel proved useful as an aid for counting signs of the plains pocket gopher (Geomys bursarius) on adjacent soil types in Washington County, Colorado. Signs of pocket gophers were about twice as frequent on the Haxton Sandy Loam type as were signs on the Dune Sand type. There were progressively more signs from spring until autumn. About 7.5 times more signs were observed on each area in September than in May.
Control of Perennial Ragweed on Western Nebraska RangelandOne application of 2,4-D 2,4,5-T, and 2,4-D plus 2,4,5-T by aerial and ground equipment usually gave excellent control of perennial ragweed. A repeat application of the herbicide one year after original treatment increased control but generally not enough to warrant retreatment. In many plots perennial ragweed persisted after two herbicide applications.
Contour Furrowing, Pitting, and Ripping on Rangelands of the Western United StatesThe effects of mechanical treatments, such as contour furrowing, pitting, and ripping, on forage production and water storage were measured in Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona. Of seven kinds of mechanical treatment evaluated, contour furrowing at 3- to 5-foot intervals and broadbase furrowing were most effective. The greatest beneficial responses occurred on medium-to fine-textured soils. Measurements at 20 locations including 8 types of vegetation receiving a single kind of treatment, contour furrowing, revealed that Nuttall saltbush responds most favorably to the treatment. Winterfat, black grama, and needleandthread provided unfavorable sites for mechanical treatments.
Brush Management Influences Preference Values of South Texas Woody Species for Deer and CattleAll mechanical brush control practices except root plowing increased preference values and forage ratings of South Texas brush species for deer and cattle the first year following treatment. Preference values for shrubs declined with length of time following treatment. Increased preference values were associated with increased availability, the amount of new regrowth, and crude protein content of the shrubs.
Activities of Hereford and Santa Gertrudis Cattle on A Southern New Mexico RangeThe Hereford cows spent more time grazing, less time walking, and traveled less distance than the Santa Gertrudis. When compared to results from other locations, there is no apparent relationship between grazing time and quantity of forage per unit area. There were generally 4 grazing periods: about midnight, from daybreak for the next 3 to 3 1/2 hr, midday, and late afternoon for 3 to 3 1/2 hr.