Welcome to the Rangeland Ecology & Management archives. The journal Rangeland Ecology & Management (RE&M; v58, 2005-present) is the successor to the Journal of Range Management (JRM; v. 1-57, 1948-2004.) The archives provide public access, in a "rolling window" agreement with the Society for Range Management, to both titles (JRM and RE&M), from v.1 up to five years from the present year.

The most recent years of RE&M are available through membership in the Society for Range Management (SRM). Membership in SRM is a means to access current information and dialogue on rangeland management.

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Print ISSN: 0022-409x

Online ISSN: 1550-7424


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Recent Submissions

  • What is Range Management?

    Stoddart, L. A. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
  • Weighing Forage Samples on Windy Ranges

    Bjerregaard, Richard S. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
  • Water Requirements for Improved Livestock Performance on Rangeland

    Greenfield, S. F. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
    The close relationship between water intake and animal gains needs to be investigated for beef cattle under rangeland conditions. Water quality and distribution have nutritional implications and may contribute more to the desired level of livestock performance than commonly believed. If true, this would inspire and speed up the development of potential stockwater sources, enhance the benefit-cost ratio of economic considerations, and be useful to range management generally.
  • Variation of Esophageal Fistula Samples Between Animals and Days on Tropical Grasslands

    Torell, D. T.; Bredon, R. M.; Marshall, B. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
    Forage collected by esophageal-fistulated cattle varies in chemical composition between days and animals. The number of samples needed for a given degree of accuracy was determined. Silica content of fistula steer feces was significantly different from feces from the non-fistulated steer. There were no significant differences in crude protein, crude fiber, and ether extract.
  • The Sampling Unit and Its Effect on Saltbush Yield Estimates

    Wight, J. R. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
    A 60- by 60-ft plot of Nuttall saltbush (Atriplex nuttallii) was completely harvested using 1- by 1-ft sampling units. Yield data for sampling units of various sizes and shapes were obtained by combining contiguous 1- by 1-ft plots. Sampling unit size and shape both had an important effect on sampling efficiency. The coefficient of variation decreased rapidly, as sampling unit size increased, until a sampling unit of about 60 ft2 was reached. For the smaller sampling units, the rectangular units generally had a lower coefficient of variation than those that were nearly square. Data are presented showing the relationship between sampling units of various sizes and shapes and (1) their coefficient of variation, (2) the number of samples needed to obtain a yield estimate that is within 20% of the population mean 90% of the time, and (3) the total area needed to be sampled to obtain this yield estimate.
  • Response of Forage Grasses to Rhodesgrass Scale

    Schuster, M. F. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
    Yields of 38 species of native and introduced grasses were found to be significantly reduced by scale infestation. Grasses are grouped into three classes: (1) grasses with reduced yields, (2) grasses infested but not affected and (3) resistant grasses. Twenty-eight new hosts of rhodesgrass scale are recorded. The data indicated that rhodesgrass scale is of economic importance in south Texas.
  • Relative Germination of Spotted and Nonspotted Bitterbrush Seed

    Ferguson, R. B. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
    Bitterbrush seed is being collected to establish stands of this valuable shrub on big-game ranges in the Western United States. Examination of seed often reveals dark spots on the seed coat. The cause of this spotting is unknown. In germination tests, these spotted seeds were found to be damaged; the germinative capacity was 50 to 82% of that of unspotted seed. Seed collectors and users should therefore recognize this as lower quality seed.
  • Rangelands—Challenge to the Pocketbook

    Upchurch, M. L. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
    Rangeland users can expect to share in the growing market for beef in the next 20 years. But they may face increasing competition from other types of producers. Good range management in the future will require prudent investment and the ability to benefit from business management and partial ownership of resources.
  • Range Management Theses 1966

    Schmutz, E. M. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
  • Range Management in the Libraries of North America

    Cronemiller, F. P. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
    A search for Range Management History led the ASRM Historian into a compilation of the libraries and repositories of published and unpublished Range Management literature, mostly in the USA. This interim report calls for further work to locate and describe historical and documentary material on range management and a solid plea for preservation and protection of such material.
  • Potential for Increases in Grazing Fees

    Hooper, J. F. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
    Incremental changes in grazing fees on Federal lands have not kept pace with private lease rates. The differential between Federal and private lease rates has fostered inflated capital values for grazing permits and base property. Raising fees on Federal grazing lands without compensating ranchers for their leasehold interest would be requiring them to pay twice for the same assets. Prospects are that changes in grazing fees will continue to be incremental.
  • Measurement of Selective Grazing of Tropical Pastures Using Esophageal Fistulated Steers

    Bredon, R. M.; Torell, D. T.; Marshall, B. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
    Esophageal fistula samples of tropical forage contained 66.4% more crude protein and 7.7% less crude fiber than the average figure for the clipped pasture forage. The percentage crude protein of herbage leaves was approximately 55% higher and the percentage crude fiber was approximately 17% lower than the whole plant.
  • Influence of Temperature on the Germination of Some Range Grasses

    Knipe, O. D. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
    Boer lovegrass, galleta, and blue grama germinate relatively well within a temperature range of 60 to 100 F, but the temperature range required for good germination of alkali sacaton and Lehmann lovegrass is limited to 80 to 90 and 60 to 70 F, respectively. Alternating temperatures were not superior to constant temperatures for promoting germination.
  • Grazing Distribution Patterns of Hereford and Santa Gertrudis Cattle on a Southern New Mexico Range

    Herbel, C. H.; Ares, F. N.; Nelson, A. B. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
    Actual observations for 3 years and utilization surveys for 4 years were used to determine the grazing distribution patterns of Hereford and Santa Gertrudis cattle in southern New Mexico. The grazing patterns of the 2 breeds were similar in the pastures studied. There was good distribution throughout the pastures which extended 3.5 mi. from water. In larger pastures, Santa Gertrudis cows may graze farther from water than Hereford cows because they walk farther. Earlier studies indicated a decreasing degree of utilization with an increasing distance from water. In this study, where a variety of species were available, cattle readily grazed a distance from water to obtain certain species. It is suggested that an important tool in obtaining better livestock distribution would be to encourage the growth of palatable species at a distance from water.
  • Germination of Forest Range Species from Southern British Columbia

    McLean, A. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
    In the laboratory, seed of 10 out of 25 forest range shrubs and herbs germinated without either scarification or stratification. Stratification was required for 5 species and improved the germination of 10 others. Seventeen species germinated at 1 C after prolonged stratification; this characteristic would enable seedlings to become established ahead of tame grasses seeded in the spring.
  • Geographic Distribution and Factors Affecting the Distribution of Salt Desert Shrubs in the United States

    Branson, F. A.; Miller, R. F.; McQueen, I. S. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
    Four previously published classifications of intermountain shrub vegetation and a new classification based on maximum salt tolerances and water relationships are presented. Maps show that the geographic range of salt desert shrub species far exceeds the distribution of mappable communities in which these shrubs are dominants. Species differ in their capacity to tolerate soil osmotic stress, but variable results from measurements of osmotic stress in 20 different plant communities indicate that additional factors must be important in determining species present in different habitats. Data obtained by the use of a new method of measuring total soil moisture stress in field samples show that the capacity of different species to remove soil moisture to different maximum stresses appears to determine the kinds of plants that occupy different habitats. Total soil moisture stresses for 14 plant communities sampled ranged from 19 to more than 90 bars.
  • Effect of Delays in Inoculum Collection and Artificial Rumen Digestibilities

    Pearson, Henry A. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
    Range forage samples were digested (in vitro) with rumen inoculum collected after delays of 2, 6, 10, and 14 weeks after the forage collection. Inoculum collected after the 6-week delay gave equivalent forage digestibility values as the 2-week delay; 10-week inoculum delay resulted in digestion values statistically related to but lower than the 2-week delay values. Inoculum collected after a 14-week delay could not be used to estimate range forage digestibility.
  • Editorial: The Trail Boss

    Heady, H. F. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
  • Comparison of Tropical Forages of Known Composition with Samples of These Forages Collected by Esophageal Fistulated Animals

    Marshall, B.; Torell, D. T.; Bredon, R. M. (Society for Range Management, 1967-09-01)
    The effect of saliva on esophageal fistula samples was minimal. Regression equations are presented which compare crude protein and crude fiber contents of esophageal fistula samples with those of forage of known composition. Squeezing esophageal fistula samples, air drying the solid portion, and treating the liquid portion with phenol will preserve samples where laboratory facilities are not available.