Welcome to the Rangeland Ecology & Management archives. The journal Rangeland Ecology & Management (RE&M; v58, 2005-present) is the successor to the Journal of Range Management (JRM; v. 1-57, 1948-2004.) The archives provide public access, in a "rolling window" agreement with the Society for Range Management, to both titles (JRM and RE&M), from v.1 up to five years from the present year.

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Print ISSN: 0022-409x

Online ISSN: 1550-7424


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Recent Submissions

  • Yield Increases from Nitrogen on Native Range in Southern British Columbia

    Mason, J. L.; Miltimore, J. E. (Society for Range Management, 1969-03-01)
    Response of native range to nitrogen fertilizer has been variable in the province of British Columbia, Canada. Yields have been approximately doubled at many sites reported, but at others virtually no increase has been obtained. It is therefore of interest to report results at 9 additional locations. Average yields from 7 locations over periods from 1 to 4 years from a single fertilizer application were 507 lb/acre without fertilizer, 701 lb from 60 lb/acre N and 880 lb from 240 lb/acre N. Yield increases from 60 lb N averaged from 4 locations declined from 68% in the first year to 35% in the second, 14% in the third, and 6% in the fourth. However, yield increases from 240 lb N remained high with 73% increase the first year, 58% in the second, 92% in the third, and 101% in the fourth year. Cost of the increased yield ranged from $6.40 to $98.00/ton.
  • Sheep Ranching in South Dakota

    Wolff, Otto J. (Society for Range Management, 1969-03-01)
  • Revegetation Treatments for Stand Establishment on Coal Spoil Banks

    Jacoby, P. W. (Society for Range Management, 1969-03-01)
    Coal spoil banks near Kemmerer, Wyoming were subjected to several treatments designed to facilitate revegetation. These included the use of snowfence, jute net, and straw mulch applied to banks of three different ages. Evaluation by seedling density suggested that the older the spoil the more suitable for planting. All treatments produced seedling stands but a combination of jute netting and mulch gave best results.
  • Relationship of Seed Weight to Germination of Six Grasses

    Green, Norman E.; Hansen, Richard M. (Society for Range Management, 1969-03-01)
    Heavy seeds of sand bluestem, side-oats grama, blue grama, switchgrass, and yellow indiangrass had a slightly higher percentage germination than light seeds. Heavy switchgrass (A-6606) seeds had a significantly greater percentage germination than did light seeds. Heavy seeds of side-oats grama, blue grama, switchgrass, switchgrass (A-6606), and yellow indiangrass germinated faster than did the light seeds.
  • Range Recovery and Production as Influenced by Nitrogen and 2,4-D Treatments

    Nichols, J. T.; McMurphy, W. E. (Society for Range Management, 1969-03-01)
    Nitrogen and 2,4-D were applied to a Dense Clay Range Site depleted by drought and overgrazing in western South Dakota to determine if forb control and fertilization would accelerate range recovery and increase perennial grass production. Treatment effects were the most pronounced three years after application, when higher levels of nitrogen and 2,4-D in combination significantly increased the percent frequency and production of perennial grass over the control. Combination treatments were more effective than either treatment alone. Total perennial grass production for three years was increased over the control by 391 lb/acre in response to 2,4-D (2 lb/acre), 594 by nitrogen (120 lb/acre), and 1,640 by 2,4-D and nitrogen in combination. Protection from grazing and favorable climatic conditions improved range condition and increased production substantially, irrespective of treatments.
  • Range Condition Classification Based on Regressions of Herbage Yields on Summer Stocking Rates

    Launchbaugh, J. L. (Society for Range Management, 1969-03-01)
    Vegetation on a clay upland range site in the Kansas 20- to 24-inch precipitation zone was differentially stocked at three rates with yearling cattle for 20 summer grazing seasons. Applications of the currently accepted range condition classification system on yield data for the last 10 grazing seasons indicated need for improvements in classifying range condition for this site. With existing range condition classification concepts, it appeared impossible either to reduce vegetation to poor condition or to maintain excellent range condition under summer grazing. Much of the difficulty was caused by herbaceous species not responding to grazing (decrease, increase, or invade) as classified in the condition guide. A modified range condition classification system incorporating re-evaluated responses of species to grazing was developed from yield regressions and compared with the existing system. The proposed method gave somewhat more consistent condition evaluations and better separation of test pastures into condition classes than the method currently used.
  • Multiple Iron Holder for Freeze Branding

    Ely, D. G.; Launchbaugh, J. L. (Society for Range Management, 1969-03-01)
    Three hundred 450-lb Hereford steers were numerically freeze-branded on the right hip with a multiple iron holder. Time required to apply three-number brands was reduced from 150 seconds when irons were individually applied to 40 seconds when the multiple iron holder was used. Seventy-seven percent of the animals had legible brands eight months after branding. An additional 10% of the brands were marginal in legibility and the remaining 13% could not be readily identified.
  • Is Range Management a Profession?

    Hooper, J. F.; Grumbles, J. B. (Society for Range Management, 1969-03-01)
    There is a lack of understanding among range managers of the meaning of the word "professional" and little appreciation of the obligations which professional recognition imposes. Many range managers are sub-professional and range management may be a sub-professional vocation. If you want to be identified as other than a second class citizen, read on to see what you can do.
  • Influence of Animals on Pristine Conditions on the Canadian Grasslands

    England, R. E.; DeVos, A. (Society for Range Management, 1969-03-01)
    In an attempt to get a clearer picture of pristine landscape conditions in the Canadian grasslands and the natural processes affecting that landscape, the authors perused a wide cross-section of the writings of early explorers, fur traders, and adventurers. The authors concluded that overgrazing by bison probably was significant at least locally, and that this overgrazing, in association with trampling, rubbing and wallowing, contributed to the creation and maintenance of environmental conditions favorable to a variety of other wildlife.
  • Infiltrometer Studies on Treated vs. Untreated Pinyon-Juniper Sites in Central Utah

    Williams, G.; Gifford, G. F.; Coltharp, G. B. (Society for Range Management, 1969-03-01)
    Based on data from small-plot studies utilizing high intensity simulated rainfall, conversion of pinyon-juniper stands to grassland in central Utah has not necessarily increased infiltration rates or always reduced sediment yields from a given point on treated areas. Of 14 sites studied, two sites indicated improved infiltration rates and two sites indicated decreased infiltration rates on treated as compared with nearby untreated areas; two sites had significantly less sediment from treated areas compared to nearby untreated areas./Basado en los datos de los estudios realizados en pequeñas parcelas utilizando una alta intensidad de precipitación simulada, la conversión de sitios de pino-enebro a zacatales en la parte central de Utah no necesariamente ocasionó aumento en las tazas de infiltración u ocasionó reducción en las producciones de sedimentos de un punto dado en las áreas tratadas. De 14 sitios estudiados, 2 sitios indicaron mejora en las tazas de infiltración y 2 sitios indicaron reducción en dichas tazas, en los tratamientos comparados con áreas cercanas sin tratar; 2 sitios tuvieron enforma significativa menos sedimentos en los tratamientos comparados con áreas próximas sin tratar.
  • Infiltration and Soil Stability of a Summer Range

    Singh, T. (Society for Range Management, 1969-03-01)
    Infiltration and sediment production rates, under simulated rainfall, were determined for plots covered with mule-ear wyethia and on plots from which wyethia had been replaced by grasses as a result of spraying. The sediment produced during the 50-minute period averaged 0.447 ton/acre. As the infiltration rates for the wyethia and grass plots (2.74 and 2.38 inches/hour, respectively) were not significantly different, single equations expressing average infiltration rates and mass infiltration were derived for extrapolating experimental results to other areas with similar vegetation.
  • Improved Livestock Distribution with Fertilizer—A Preliminary Economic Evaluation

    Hooper, J. F.; Workman, J. P.; Grumbles, J. B.; Cook, C. W. (Society for Range Management, 1969-03-01)
    The use of fertilization to increase forage production is widely known. The value of fertilizer as a tool for improving livestock distribution has often been alluded to, but seldom measured. The findings of this pilot study indicate there are three potential benefits from fertilization and two separate situations under which fertilizer benefits can be analyzed. The study further indicates that the value of fertilization for improving distribution may be of great magnitude. Here-to-fore evaluation of fertilizer applications on range lands has emphasized increased forage production. Correct evaluation of fertilization benefits must recognize both increased forage production and improved livestock distribution. This paper represents an advance in range fertilization evaluation theory./El estudio se llevó a cabo en un pastizal de montaña del norte de Utah. La fertilización aumentó la producción de forraje, pero cuando se analizó únicamente el incremento de producción no resultó económico. Sin embargo la fertilización mejoró la distribución del ganado y el valor del mejoramiento de la distribución del ganado en el pastoreo por si solo pagó la fertilización. Por lo tanto basándose en este estudio la fertilización es recomendada únicamente como parte de un plan de manejo bien desarrollado.
  • Forage Values on a Mountain Grassland-Aspen Range in Western Colorado

    Paulsen, H. A. (Society for Range Management, 1969-03-01)
    The productivity, relative preference, and nutritive value of Idaho fescue makes it the most valuable forage species on summer cattle range on Black Mesa in western Colorado. Forbs that were abundant, high in nutritive value, and selected by cattle were aspen fleabane, aspen peavine, and agoseris in the mountain grassland type. Elk sedge was the major forage species in the aspen type.
  • Fire Resistance of Forest Species as Influenced by Root Systems

    McLean, A. (Society for Range Management, 1969-03-01)
    There is a close relationship between root system characteristics and the relative fire resistance of douglasfir forest zone species in southern interior British Columbia. Susceptible species are usually those that have fibrous root systems or produce stolons or rhizomes which grow above mineral soil. Moderately resistant species usually have fibrous roots with rhizomes which grow less than 5 cm below the mineral soil surface. Resistant species are those that have rhizomes which grow between 5 and 13 cm below the mineral soil surface and those species with taproots which are able to regenerate from below their crowns. Both timber milkvetch and lupine are undesirable range plants and yet both may increase after a fire.
  • Effect of Cages on Herbage Yield in True Prairie Vegetation

    Owensby, Clenton E. (Society for Range Management, 1969-03-01)
    Forage production under cages in True Prairie vegetation was 640 lb/acre greater than in uncaged areas in ungrazed pastures. Differences were higher on ordinary upland than on limestone breaks range. Weed herbage production was not changed by caging.
  • Cattle Preferences for Forage Species in Northern Arizona

    Clary, W. P.; Pearson, H. A. (Society for Range Management, 1969-03-01)
    Preference ratings-determined by comparisons with bottlebrush squirreltail-showed Kentucky bluegrass, Arizona fescue, and mountain muhly were highly preferred in the pine type in summer, while prairie junegrass was most preferred in spring-fall in the pinyon-juniper type.
  • A Stocking-Rate Guide for Beef Production on Blue-Grama Range

    Bement, R. E. (Society for Range Management, 1969-03-01)
    A stocking-rate guide for cattle on blue-grama range was developed at Central Plains Experimental Range. The guide is based on the amount of herbage left ungrazed at the end of the summer season as it relates to gain per animal and gain per acre. Maximum dollar returns per acre from yearlings were obtained when 300 lb of air-dry herbage were left at the end of the season. The average optimum stocking rate was 2.6 acres/yearling month.