Journal of Range Management, Volume 27 (1974): Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 134
Journal of Range Management, Volume 27, Number 5 (September 1974)Society for Range Management, 1974-09-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 27, Number 6 (November 1974)Society for Range Management, 1974-11-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 27, Number 4 (July 1974)Society for Range Management, 1974-07-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 27, Number 1 (January 1974)Society for Range Management, 1974-01-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 27, Number 2 (March 1974)Society for Range Management, 1974-03-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 27, Number 3 (May 1974)Society for Range Management, 1974-05-01
Yield and Protein Content of Sandyland Range Forages as Affected by Three Nitrogen FertilizersA west Texas sandyland range site was fertilized with two rates, (30 and 60 kg/ha of actual N) of ammonium nitrate (AN), ammonium sulfate (AS) and ammonium phosphate-sulfate (APS) on June 2, 1972. Yield samples taken in mid-August showed all fertilizer treatments to significantly increase total yields. The 60 kg/ha of N treatments of AS and APS produced more herbage than all other fertilizer treatments. Climax decreasers on the site, little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) and sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula), showed less yield response to fertilization than increaser and invader grasses. Crude protein analysis of leaf tissue showed the grasses of the control (ON) to contain significantly less and the grasses treated with 60 kg/ha of N as AN to contain more protein than other treatments. Sulfur appears to be more important than phosphorus in increasing yields on this site. Also, range condition should be at least high fair before fertilizer is applied to minimize competition between the desirable and invader plants.
Yearlong Grazing of Slash Pine Ranges: Effects on Herbage and BrowseTotal herbage yields under immature slash pine were not appreciably changed by yearlong cattle grazing which removed 30 to 60% of the annual growth. However, moderate (45%) and heavy (60%) grazing reduced pinehill bluestem frequency and increased carpetgrass. Individual browse species were not affected by grazing intensity, but total cover was reduced with moderate grazing. As tree density increased, the total herbage yields decreased.
Wood Boring Insect Infestations in Relation to Mesquite Control PracticesWood boring insect activity in mesquite wood is of interest to fire ecologists because infested trees are much easier to burn down than uninfested trees. Wood borer tunnelling in mesquite killed by six different methods was compared over a 2-year period. Basal spraying with diesel oil + 2,4,5-T and girdling resulted in significantly more tunnelling by wood borers. Borer activity was intermediate in trees killed by basal spraying with diesel, and by burning; slight in felled trees (simulated chaining or root-plowing); and insignificant in trees top-killed by 2,4,5-T spray and in the control. Ranchers planning to use prescribed burning as a method of removing dead mesquite stems from rangeland previously treated with conventional mesquite control practices could expect a high degree of wood borer activity, and hence a greater burndown in pastures where trees have been killed in previous years by basal spraying with diesel oil + 2,4,5-T. Wood borer activity will be substantial for good burndown in trees top-killed by basal treatment with diesel oil and by burning.
Winterfat Seeds Viable after 8 Years Refrigerated StorageFive collections of winterfat seeds from New Mexico were stored in cans under refrigeration (34-42 degrees F) and ordinary temperatures (55-95 degrees F). After 8 years of storage, viability ranged from 51 to 80% for the refrigerated seeds, but practically no seeds remained viable under the warmer storage temperatures.
Vigor of Idaho Fescue Grazed under Rest-Rotation and Continuous GrazingThe vigor of Idaho fescue in northeastern California was compared on plots grazed by two different approaches: one full 5-year cycle of rest-rotation grazing, at Harvey Valley; and repeated continuous grazing, at Grays Valley. Vegetative shoot lengths and numbers of flower stalks served as indicators of vigor. Vigor was higher on the Harvey Valley plots. The full-use treatments of rest-rotation grazing did not measurably reduce vigor, nor did the rest treatments improve it. Production of flower stalks appeared to depend on adequate spring precipitation and was not synchronized with the seed production phase of rest-rotation grazing. Continuous grazing at moderate intensity did not reduce plant vigor during the 5-year study period on the Grays Valley plot. The results suggest that moderate, continuous grazing permits Idaho fescue to maintain its vigor. But because rest-rotation grazing disrupts an apparent relationship between grazing use and precipitation, it may hold Idaho fescue vigor at a higher level than can continuous grazing.
Vegetation Response Following Spraying a Light Infestation of Honey MesquiteVegetation change was evaluated for 4 years following aerial application of 2,4,5-T + picloram (1:1) at 0.56 kg/ha to semiarid rangeland with a light canopy cover of honey mesquite (12%) and sand sagebrush (2%). Stand reductions of woody plants exceeded 95% at 4 years after treatment whether in grazed or ungrazed pastures. Forage production increased on areas with brush control and protection from grazing only in years of average or above-average rainfall. However, sprayed, ungrazed areas produced during the study period an average of 3 kg/ha/year more grass for each centimeter of precipitation received than did untreated, ungrazed areas. At the end of the study, areas sprayed and protected from grazing supported more grasses of fair to good grazing value than did unsprayed areas.
Vegetation Changes Following Fire in the Pinyon-Juniper Type of West-Central UtahThe stages of succession following fire began with weedy annuals that reached a peak within 3 to 4 years. Juniper woodlands were well developed 85 to 90 years following fire. Intermediate stages of succession varied, but followed a general pattern of perennial grasses, perennial grasses-shrubs, and perennial grasses-shrubs-trees. The percentage of dead sagebrush was positively correlated with density of junipers. Thirty-three years was the average minimum age at which Utah juniper produced seed.
Variation in Pinehill Bluestem, a Southern Ecotype of the Andropogon scoparius ComplexPinehill bluestem is the most common variant of the little bluestem (Andropogon scoparius) complex in pine forests of north and central Louisiana and east Texas. It is also frequent in adjacent portions of Oklahoma and Arkansas. It differs from other inland forms of little bluestem primarily in its unreduced pedicellate spikelets, which are equal in size to the sessile spikelets. Because of vegetative similarity between pinehill bluestem and associated forms of A. scoparius, separation of varieties for purposes of forage management is not recommended.
Using a Grid to Estimate Production and Utilization of ShrubsProduction of fourwing saltbush plants was estimated from photographs against a 1-inch grid. All squares partially or completely obscured by plant material were counted. Utilization of several shrub species was estimated from photos taken before and after browsing by deer. With modification, the technique could be used for other species and situations.
Use of Rio Grande Plain Brush Types by White-tailed DeerThe relative use of 11 major brush types and a rootplowed area by white-tailed deer was studied on the San Pedro Ranch in Dimmit County, Texas. The mesquite drainage, hackberry drainage, and guajillo scrub types were preferred by deer in fall, winter, and spring. In summer, the mesquite drainage was preferred and all other types were used about equally. The granjeno drainage, rootplowed, and mesquite savannah types were used least. The preferred brush types occurred on sandy loam soils. The composition, density (within a range of tolerance), structure, and phenology of brush were not important factors influencing selection of types by deer. The quality of typical brushlands as deer habitat appeared to be largely a function of range site. Range sites capable of high gross production of herbaceous plants deserve consideration for their value to deer in brush clearing schemes. Some brush should be left intact as screening cover on such sites to insure continuing deer populations on ranches practicing brush control in the Rio Grande Plain.
Urea as a Nitrogen Fertilizer for Great Plains GrasslandsEconomics and pollution standards indicate that urea may soon be the prime nitrogen fertilizer source in the Great Plains. Available literature was reviewed on the use of urea as a fertilizer for grasslands, particularly in semiarid regions. Results from only a few such experiments were found. However, these results agree with those from more humid or subtropical regions in that urea was as effective as ammonium nitrate at low, but not at high, rates of application. Maximum production attainable with urea is probably less than that attainable with ammonium nitrate.
Tolerance of Bermudagrass to HerbicidesHerbicides 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T and dicamba applied in spring or fall usually did not reduce yields of bermudagrass. When applied during dry periods, picloram reduced density and yield of bermudagrass. Degree of bermudagrass injury was directly related to rate of herbicide. "Common," "Coastal," and "Coastcross-1" varieties responded similarly to each herbicide studied. Kleingrass, a new forage grass growing in the plot area, was tolerant of all herbicide treatments, including picloram.
The Zootic Disclimax ConceptSome ecologists are using the term "zootic climax" in the same sense that range managers use the term "zootic disclimax." If our national parks are to be managed in order that they be natural, it will be important for administrators to understand these two terms and how they differ from the Climatic Climax.