Journal of Range Management, Volume 52, Number 4 (July 1999)
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Journal of Range Management, Volume 52, Number 4 (July 1999)Society for Range Management, 1999-07-01
Viewpoint: Benefits and impacts of wildlife water developmentsResource managers in the western United States have long assumed that water was a key limiting factor on wildlife populations in arid habitats. Beginning in the 1940s-1950s, state and federal resource management agencies initiated water development programs intended to benefit game species and other wildlife. At least 5,859 such developments have been built in 11 western states. Most state wildlife management agencies in the western United States have ongoing wildlife water development programs that vary greatly in extent. Ranchers and range managers also have developed water sources for livestock, many of which also are used by wildlife. Recently, critics have suggested that wildlife water developments have not yielded expected benefits, and may negatively impact wildlife by increasing predation, competition, and disease transmission. Based upon a comprehensive review of scientific literature, we conclude that wildlife water developments have likely benefitted many game and non-game species, but not all water development projects have yielded expected increases in animal distribution and abundance. Hypothesized negative impacts of water developments on wildlife are not supported by data and remain largely speculative. However, our understanding of both positive and negative effects of wildlife water developments is incomplete, because of design limitations of previous research. Long-term, experimental studies are needed to address unanswered questions concerning the efficacy and ecological effects of water developments. We also recommend that resource managers apply more rigorous planning criteria to new developments, and expand monitoring efforts associated with water development programs.
Sagebrush response to ungulate browsing in YellowstoneBig sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.) declined from ungulate browsing during the first half of the twentieth century on the Northern Yellowstone Winter Range. It was our objective to compare shrub parameters of Northern Yellowstone Winter Range sagebrush habitat types continually browsed or protected for 32 to 37 years. Measurements were taken in and out of exclosures for 19 environmentally paired, protected, and browsed sites. We found significant differences in development between protected and browsed shrubs. Big sagebrush canopy cover at the 19 sites averaged 19.7% with protection and 6.5% where browsed (P less than or equal to 0.0027), and plants were twice as numerous (P less than or equal to 0.0027) under protection. Winter forage production of individual big sagebrush plants was also greater under protection at 16 of the 19 paired sites (P less than or equal to 0.0027). Subdominant sprouting shrubs generally responded the same as big sagebrush. This ungulate induced decline of shrubs has implications for many Northern Yellowstone Winter Range values. Ultimately many organisms are sacrificed with the loss of quality big sagebrush habitat.
Responses of winterfat seeds and seedlings to desiccationWinterfat [Krascheninnikovia lanata (Gueldenstaedt) syn. Ceratoides lanata (Pursh) J.T. Howell, syn. Eurotia lanata (Pursh) Moq.] is a native shrub of mixed prairie of North America. A large portion of hydrated seeds and seedlings can be killed when exposed to seedbed desiccation. Winterfat seeds and young seedlings subjected to varying levels of desiccation were studied to measure the influence of this stress. Germination was unaffected (P > 0.05) when seeds were exposed for 0 to 10 hydration-desiccation cycles (2 hours hydration and 22 hours desiccation cycle(-1) at 20 to 30% relative humidity and 20 degrees C). Linear increases in germination rate (0.6% day(-1) hydration-desiccation cycle(-1)), seedling length (0.1 mm hydration-desiccation cycle(-1)), and seed decay (1.5% hydration-desiccation cycle(-1) occurred with an increasing number of hydration-desiccation cycles. Seedling survival following desiccation decreased 10.4% mm(-1) as seedling length increased from < 2 mm to 10-15 mm. Seedling survival was positively correlated with relative humidity and negatively correlated with duration of desiccation. The difference (P < or = 0.05) in survival between 0 and 90% relative humidity was 62% for seedlings 4-6-mm in length and 70% for seedlings 9-11-mm in length. Seedlings from seeds that germinated rapidly were more tolerant of desiccation than those from seeds germinating slowly. After desiccation in 30% relative humidity, survival of seedlings from seeds germinating on the first day of incubation was 40% greater than those from seeds germinating on the third day of incubation. Electrolyte leakage indicated that desiccation damaged cells. Establishment of winterfat seedlings will be favored by seedbed conditions that protect seedlings from severe and prolonged desiccation and allow fast entry of the radicle into soil.
Response of white-tailed deer foods to discing in a semiarid habitatDiscing strips of rangeland to increase wildlife foods is a common management practice. I tested the hypotheses (1) annual discing results in greater canopy cover of annual forbs preferred by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Raf.) than discing at less frequent intervals of time, (2) frequent discing reduces the abundance of preferred perennial forbs, and (3) discing only once results in greater total canopy cover of annual and perennial forbs preferred by deer. The experimental design was a split-plot with soil series (Ramadero loam or Delfina fine sandy loam) as main plots and discing treatment in October as subplots. Discing treatments were (1) no treatment (control); (2) discing once in 1990; (3) discing once in 1994; (4) discing in 1990 and 1994; (5) discing in 1990, 1992, and 1994; and (6) discing annually from 1990-1994. Discing increased canopy cover of annuals preferred by white-tailed deer and increased canopy cover of unpalatable forbs, but decreased preferred perennials. Canopy cover of forbs eaten, but not preferred by deer, increased following discing. Based on these results, soil disturbance by discing is not recommended as a habitat improvement practice in the semiarid western Rio Grande Plains of Texas if the objective of management is to increase canopy cover of forb preferred by white-tailed deer.
Reclaiming Russian knapweed infested rangelandRussian knapweed [Acroptilon repens (L.) DC.] is a creeping, perennial, unpalatable, noxious weed that infests thousands of rangeland and pasture hectares in the western U.S. often forming monocultures. Chemical or mechanical control of Russian knapweed usually is temporary allowing re-invasion or the weed over time. Our objective was to determine whether combining chemical or mechanical methods with seeding of perennial grasses would reclaim Russian knapweed infested areas more effectively than any of the treatments applied alone. Five suppression treatments combined with 5 seeded perennial grasses were evaluated to reclaim Russian knapweed infested site. Two years after suppression treatments were done, clopyralid + 2,4-D + seeded grasses controlled 66 to 93% or Russian knapweed whereas clopyralid + 2,4-D applied alone controlled only 7% of Russian knapweed. Glyphosate + 'Critana' thickspike wheatgrass [Elymus lanceolatus (Scribn. & Sm.) Gould] controlled 36% of Russian knapweed 2 years after treatment (YAT) while glyphosate + 'Hycrest' crested wheatgrass [Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn.], 'Bozoisky' Russian wildrye [Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.) Nevski], or 'Sodar' streambank wheatgrass [Elymus lanceolatus (Scribn. &Sm.)] increased Russian knapweed growth 1.5, 2, and 1.6-fold, respectively. Glyphosate applied alone tripled Russian knapweed growth. Metsulfuron + streambank wheatgrass controlled 61% of Russian knapweed 2 years after treatments were applied while metsulfuron applied alone controlled 40% of Russian knapweed. Mowing was ineffective and mowing + crested wheatgrass increased Russian knapweed growth about 2-fold. Clopyralid + 2,4-D + streambank wheatgrass yielded 6, 48, and 18 times more seeded grass than metsulfuron treated, mowed, or non-treated control plots seeded with streambank wheatgrass. Clopyralid + 2,4-D + stream-bank wheatgrass, while expensive (262 ha(-1)), was the best treatment combination because it controlled Russian knapweed effectively while the sod-forming grass established well and helped to prevent re-invasion by the weed.
Pericarp removal has little effect on sagebrush seedsSagebrush (Artemisia) is commonly recommended for reclamation and restoration of shrublands of the Western United States and seeds are usually obtained from commercial sources. One result of commercial seed processing is the removal of the pericarp. We tested 2 seedlots of Wyoming big sagebrush (A. tridentata Nutt. ssp. wyomingensis Beetle &Young) to determine if pericarp removal affected properties of seed hydration or seed germ inability under different levels of water stress. In general, pericarp removal had a relatively minor effect on these processes and properties.
Livestock-guarding dogs in Norway Part II: Different working regimesLivestock-guarding dogs are an effective way of protecting rangeland sheep from predators. However, open mountain/forest range and widely ranging sheep are factors that may make adaptation to Norwegian conditions difficult. This paper focuses on the dogs' working patterns and effectiveness under different working regimes. A 3,500 ha. unfenced forest/mountain range pasture in bear habitat comprised the research area in which 624 sheep from 2 herds grazed. The field trial lasted 3 months, and a total of 10 Great Pyrenees participated for various time intervals. Three different working regimes were evaluated. 1) loose dogs without the command of a dog handler (Method A); 2) loose dogs under the command of a dog handler (Method B); and 3) loose dogs guarding sheep inside a fenced, 1 km(2) forest pasture (Method C). Nocturnal behavioural activity patterns and data on predation were recorded. Method A proved too uncontrolled for Norwegian conditions, because sheep dispersed too widely and dogs ranged too far, causing conflicts in nearby settlements with wildlife, and with livestock. Pasture dogs (C) were > 3 times less active and were engaged in guarding activities < 50% as often as patrol dogs (B). However, they barked > 15 times more frequently, and no sheep carcasses were found inside the fence. Therefore, Method C probably had the best preventive effect.
Group size effects on grazing behaviour and efficiency in sheepTwo grazing trials were conducted during early winter (January 1996) and spring (April 1996) to evaluate the effect of group size on grazing efficiency and behaviour of sheep. Three treatments were tested, large (LG), medium (MG) and small group size (SG), with 2 replicates for each treatment of 12, 9, and 6 ewes, respectively. Groups were homogeneous for age and weight. Paddock size furnished 10 m(2) per sheep per day. Group size did not affect grazing efficiency and herbage intake in the winter, but in the spring, when herbage mass was more plentiful, the ewes in the small groups grazed shorter, had a lower herbage intake and a less efficient use of forage. Consequently, the sheep in the small groups gained less weight than those in the large groups in spring. Neither group size nor seasonal changes in forage quantity or quality influenced sheep selectivity. These results suggest that the choice of a proper flock size at pasture can play a major role in optimizing grazing efficiency in sheep, especially when feeding is largely based on grazing, as generally occurs in countries of the Mediterranean basin in spring. Under the conditions of this study, our results indicate that a flock size of more than 6 sheep should be used for studies on sheep grazing behaviour.
First limiting nutrient for summer calving cows grazing autumn-winter rangeTwo trials were conducted in 1994, 1995, and 1996 to determine the first limiting nutrient for summer calving cows grazing Sandhills range. In Trial 1, 48 lactating summer calving cows grazing native range during the breeding season were assigned to 1 of 4 supplement treatments: 1) control-no supplement, 2) energy, 3) degradable intake protein (DIP), and 4) DIP + undegraded intake protein (UIP). Cows were group-fed supplements in 8 pastures (2 pastures/treatment). The trial began 4 September and ended 4 November each year. Diet samples from esophageally fistulated cows averaged 7.5% crude protein and 54.5% in vitro organic matter digestibility. Supplemented cows lost less body condition compared to control cows (P = 0.04). Cow and calf weight gains were increased by supplemental DIP or DIP + UIP combination compared to energy supplement (P = 0.09 and 0.08, respectively). Forage intake and digestibility were not different among treatments (P > 0.20). Milk production was lower for non-supplemented than supplemented cows (P = 0.10). Trial 2 began 5 November and ended 10 January in 1994-1995, 1995-1996, and 1996-1997. Treatments and pastures were the same as described in Trial 1, however, only 40 cows were used. In Trial 2, diet samples from esophageally fistulated cows averaged 6.2% crude protein and 52.3% in vitro organic matter digestibility. No differences (P > 0.10) in body condition score were detected. Total organic matter intake was lower for control compared to supplemented treatments (13.5 vs.15.5 kg day(-1); P < 0.10). We concluded that DIP was the first limiting nutrient for summer calving cows during the breeding season and during autumn-winter lactation after the breeding season.
Consumption of low larkspur (Delphinium nuttallianum) by cattleLow larkspur (Delphinium nuttallianum Pritz.) is a toxic range plant that is often fatal to cattle when ingested during spring or early summer on foothill or mountain rangelands. Grazing trials near Price, Ut. during 1996 and 1997 examined toxicity and consumption of low larkspur by cow-calf pairs. Toxic alkaloid concentrations were relatively stable although larkspur plants rapidly matured. Cows and calves did not differ (P > 0.1) in consumption of low larkspur (0.6 and 1.1% of bites, respectively), and calves began eating low larkspur readily (up to 21% of bites) early in the trial. Larkspur density did not affect consumption by cattle (P > 0.1), but there was an interaction between density and day, as on 2 days (days 8 and 21) cattle ate more (P < 0.05) low larkspur in the pastures with more larkspur. Stage of growth also affected consumption (P < 0.05) with greater consumption after flowering. Increased grazing pressure caused cattle to eat more larkspur until larkspur density was reduced by grazing. Cattle apparently avoid eating low larkspurs before flowering, and cattle may eat little low larkspur if sufficient other forage is available. Losses may be reduced by ensuring that grazing pressure and/or stock density are not excessive on low larkspur infested rangelands.
Clipping effects on growth dynamics of Japanese bromeJapanese brome (Bromus japonicus Thunb.) has invaded many northern mixed prairie communities. Understanding how defoliation affects the life cycle or this species is critical for proper grazing management of communities infested with this annual. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of defoliation on growth of Japanese brome. Treatments included no clipping or clipping to 75- or 150-mm stubble height weekly or biweekly for 65 to 70 days in a greenhouse. Response of Japanese brome tiller numbers, leaf height, and above- and below-ground biomass were measured in 1991, 1992, and 1997. Clipping vegetative plants in 1991 reduced tiller numbers and leaf heights, whereas clipping plants with reproductive shoots in 1992 and 1997 increased tiller numbers and reduced leaf heights. Herbage accumulated during clipping, above-ground and total biomass were similar in 1991 and 1997, but lower in 1992. Accumulated herbage was reduced by reducing stubble height from 150 mm to 75 mm on a biweekly frequency and increasing the frequency of clipping from biweekly to weekly at either the 150-mm or 75-mm stubble height. Reducing the stubble height also reduced above-ground and total biomass. Increasing frequency of clipping did not generally affect total biomass. Some inflorescences were produced with even the most severe clipping treatment.
Cattle grazing and avian communities of the St. Lawrence River IslandsThree hundred islands are found along the St. Lawrence River in Quebec. Among these islands, over 5,000 ha are used for agricultural purposes and 32% of this total is devoted to communal pasture, a traditional practice in this part of the river. In 1993 and 1994, we compared the avian communities of 500 ha natural spring flooded prairie islands subjected to different degrees of grazing pressure. Three islands were divided into 12 sectors, in which 108 sample plots of 0.5 ha were selected. Results show that the degree of visual obstruction by herbaceous vegetation and the percentage of shrub cover were higher on ungrazed and on moderately grazed prairie (< 1 cow/ha/year) as compared with intensively grazed prairie (> 1 cow/ha/year). More than 1,650 observations of passerines were made and 13 species were identified. The Swamp Sparrow (Melospiza georgiana), Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis), Red-winged Blackbird (Agelais phoeniceus), and Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) were the 4 most abundant species, accounting for over 80% of all birds counted. Ungrazed and moderately grazed prairie contained 6 times more birds than intensively grazed prairie (10.4 birds/ha and 11.7 birds/ha vs 1.6 birds/ha). We also recorded 167 and 113 dabbling duck (anatinae) nests in 1993 and 1994 respectively. Moderately grazed and ungrazed prairies had a nest density nearly 10 times higher than that of intensively grazed prairie (0.50 +/- 0.01 and 0.30 +/- 0.01 nest/ha vs 0.05 +/- 0.01 nest/ha). Our study shows that grazing pressure on prairies of the studied islands largely determined the type of bird species present. However, prairie subjected to excessive grazing pressure is not suitable for waterfowl nesting. Various recommendations are provided for integrated management of wildlife and agriculture on the St. Lawrence River communal pasture islands.
Canopy analysis as a technique to characterize defoliation intensity on Sandhills rangeCharacterization of relationships between grazing and vegetation responses is difficult. Rapid and accurate measurement of pasture canopy characteristics would help clarify these relationships if canopy changes are directly related to grazing variables. The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate use of the LI-COR LAI-2000 for quantification of changes in canopy density and architecture in response to defoliation by cattle, (2) to determine if changes in leaf area index (LAI) measured with the LAI-2000 are related to stocking rate, and (3) to determine advantages and drawbacks of the LAI-2000 for monitoring grazing impacts on canopy density and architecture. Leaf area index and mean foliage tilt angle were measured before and after defoliation by cattle (Bos taurus L.) in June, July, and August under 9 grazing treatments on Nebraska Sandhills range. Differences in LAI could be attributed to certain grazing treatments at various points throughout the season. Grazing treatment had little impact on mean foliage tilt angle. Change in LAI (delta LAI) had a significant negative relationship with stocking rate (P < or = 0.0001). The relationship detected for delta LAI versus stocking rate predicted LAI reductions of between 0.14 and 0.40 for the range of stocking rates studied; stocking rate accounted for 62% of the decrease in LAI caused by grazing. When configured for the Sandhills canopy, the LAI-2000 provided a rapid and precise method for quantification of the degree of defoliation associated with grazing.
Botanical composition of cattle and vizcacha diets in central ArgentinaCattle (Bos taurus) and vizcacha (Lagostomus maximus) diets were examined monthly in the semiarid caldénal in central Argentina. Cow-calf operations are the most important economic activities within the region. In spite of a widespread distribution of the vizcacha in Argentina, comparative studies of the diet of cattle and vizcacha are scarce. The objective of this work was to analyze the botanical composition, seasonal trends, and possible dietary overlap between cattle and vizcacha. Diets were determined by microscopic analysis of cattle and vizcacha feces collected from November 1994 through December 1995 in a shrubland community of the southern caldénal. Grasses were the bulk of the diet for both herbivores. Piptochaetium napostaense (Speg.) Hack. was the most abundant grass in vizcacha (53%) and cattle (40%) diets. Prosopis caldenia Burk. pods partially (34%) replaced this grass in cattle diets during late summer and fall. Consumption of P. napostaense was generally higher (13%) in vizcachas than in cattle, especially during the dry period of the study (21%). During the drier months, cattle consumed more of the less preferred grasses (48%). Forbs were poorly represented in the diets perhaps because of scarce rains and low availability. Classification and ordination techniques revealed seasonal trends and overlapping diets. A greater overlap (75%) was found during the wet period due to simultaneous consumption of P. napostaense by both herbivores. Trends in diet diversity were similar with indices generally higher for cattle than for vizcachas, especially during the dry period.