Welcome to the Rangeland Ecology & Management archives. The journal Rangeland Ecology & Management (RE&M; v58, 2005-present) is the successor to the Journal of Range Management (JRM; v. 1-57, 1948-2004.) The archives provide public access, in a "rolling window" agreement with the Society for Range Management, to both titles (JRM and RE&M), from v.1 up to five years from the present year.

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Print ISSN: 0022-409x

Online ISSN: 1550-7424


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Recent Submissions

  • Short-Term Mesquite Pod Consumption by Goats Does Not Induce Toxicity

    Cook, Robert W.; Scott, Cody B.; Hartmann, F. Steve (Society for Range Management, 2008-09-01)
    Goats, unlike cattle, disperse few viable mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa Torr.) seeds in feces. However, there is some evidence that goats may suffer from toxicosis from overingestion of mesquite pods. We assessed the likelihood that short-term ingestion of mesquite pods would induce toxicosis in goats. Twenty-four goats were randomly allocated to one of four treatments with treatments fed different concentrations (0%, 30%, 60%, or 90% of the diet) of whole mesquite pods fed with alfalfa pellets. The mixture of mesquite pods and alfalfa pellets was fed for 12 d to 14 d. Because there were only 12 pens available for the study, two trials were used so that all 24 goats could be housed in individual pens. Intake, serum metabolite levels, and fecal output were measured to assess physiological status. In Trial 1, intake and fecal output decreased on days 12 through 14 for goats consuming a diet of 90% mesquite pods. In the second trial, intake and fecal output were similar across days of feeding within each treatment, but the trial only lasted 12 d. Serum metabolite levels remained within normal levels irrespective of the amount of mesquite pods in the diet in both trials. Goats appear to be able to consume mesquite pods on a short-term basis without experiencing toxicosis. 
  • Common Broomweed Growth Characteristics in Cleared and Woody Landscapes

    Stanford, Roy L.; Ansley, R. James; Ransom, Dean (Society for Range Management, 2008-09-01)
    Common broomweed (Amphiachyris dracunculoides [DC] Nutt. Ex Rydb.) is an annual forb that occurs throughout the southern Great Plains, USA. During years of abundant growth, broomweed is problematic because it can reduce grass production and interfere with livestock foraging. In contrast, the canopy structure of broomweed may provide habitat cover for wildlife, including the northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus Linnaeus). During an extreme outbreak of broomweed in north Texas in 2007, we observed apparent differences in broomweed individual plant growth characteristics in mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa Torr.) woodland areas versus areas that had recently been cleared of mesquite. Our objective was to document differences at the individual plant and population levels. Individual plant mass, canopy diameter, and basal stem diameter were much greater in the cleared treatment than the mesquite woodland. In contrast, plant height was greater in the woodland than in the cleared treatment. Population variables of stand-level production, percentage canopy cover, plant density, and visual obstruction were not different between treatments. Total perennial grass production was greater in the cleared than the woodland treatment, because of the negative effect of mesquite on grass production. Variations in broomweed growth characteristics may have implications regarding livestock foraging and wildlife habitat. 
  • Jaguar and Puma Predation on Cattle Calves in Northeastern Sonora, Mexico

    Rosas-Rosas, Octavio C.; Bender, Louis C.; Valdez, Raul (Society for Range Management, 2008-09-01)
    Predation by jaguars (Panthera onca) and pumas (Puma concolor) is often a source of conflict with cattle ranching in northeastern Sonora, Mexico. Because jaguars are endangered in Mexico, such conflicts have biological, social, and economic consequences. We documented the extent of predation by jaguars and pumas on cattle in 1999-2004 in northeastern Sonora, where the northernmost breeding population of jaguars exists in North America. Jaguars and pumas killed only calves , 12 mo old, and calves constituted 58% of prey biomass consumed by jaguars and 9% by pumas. Annual cause-specific mortality rates of confirmed jaguar predation (< 0.018), confirmed and suspected jaguar predation (< 0.018), and all confirmed and suspected large felid predation (< 0.018) were low and cattle calf survival was high (0.89-0.98 annually). If calves reported as missing but for which no evidence of mortality could be found were classed as large felid predation, annual cause-specific rates increased to 0.006-0.038. Collectively, confirmed jaguar and puma predation accounted for < 14% (57/408) of total cattle losses, with jaguars responsible for 14% of all calf losses; this could increase to a maximum of 36% (146/408) if missing calves were included in the totals. While jaguar and puma predation may have an impact on some small cattle operations, it is generally minor compared to losses from other causes in northeastern Sonora. Moreover, 91% of all confirmed calf kills were associated with three individual jaguars in our study. Targeting problem cats rather than broad-scale predator control may therefore be a viable alternative to address chronic predation problems. Because most (83%) instances of jaguar predation occurred during the dry season along thick riparian habitats, modified cattle husbandry operations, such as establishment of permanent water sources in uplands and away from dense vegetative cover, could ameliorate many cases of predation by jaguars on cattle. 
  • Does Doramectin Use on Cattle Indirectly Affect the Endangered Burrowing Owl?

    Floate, Kevin D.; Bouchard, Patrice; Holroyd, Geoff; Poulin, Ray; Wellicome, Troy I. (Society for Range Management, 2008-09-01)
    Doramectin is one of several endectocide compounds widely used to treat nematode and arthropod pests affecting cattle. Insecticidal residues in dung of endectocide-treated cattle can reduce numbers of dung-breeding insects. Concerns have been raised that use of endectocides may adversely affect birds that rely on dung-breeding insects as food. However, these concerns have not been specifically addressed in previous studies. We performed two studies to collectively assess whether doramectin adversely affects burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia Molina), which are listed as ‘‘Endangered’’ in Canada. In the first study, insect emergence was monitored from dung of cattle treated with a recommended topical dose of doramectin. Experiments replicated in each of 3 yr showed residues reduce the number of insects developing in dung of cattle treated up to 16 wk previously. In the second study, we identified prey items from regurgitated pellets collected at 206 burrowing owl nests in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada. A total of 50 213 prey items were identified, of which 90% were invertebrates. Beetles (Coleoptera) comprised 54% of the total prey items, followed next in abundance by grasshoppers (Acrididae, 20%) and crickets (Gryllidae, 16%). Of the beetles, 1 381 specimens were identified as breeding in dung (mainly species of Aphodius, Canthon, Onthophagus). The dung beetles comprised an estimated 2.8% of the total prey items or 0.1% of total prey biomass. Results of the first study validate initial concerns that doramectin use can reduce numbers of insects breeding in dung of treated cattle. Results of the second study show reliance of burrowing owls on dung beetles is sufficiently low that use of doramectin on cattle is unlikely to appreciably affect the food supply of co-occurring burrowing owls. 
  • Temporal Variation in Diet and Nutrition of Preincubating Greater Sage-Grouse

    Gregg, Michael A.; Barnett, Jenny K.; Crawford, John A. (Society for Range Management, 2008-09-01)
    Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) habitat management involves vegetation manipulations to increase or decrease specific habitat components. For sage-grouse habitat management to be most effective, an understanding of the functional response of sage-grouse to changes in resource availability is critical. We investigated temporal variation in diet composition and nutrient content (crude protein, calcium, and phosphorus) of foods consumed by preincubating female sage- grouse relative to food supply and age of hen. We collected 86 preincubating female greater sage-grouse at foraging areas during early (18-31 March) and late (1-12 April) preincubation periods during 2002-2003. Females consumed 22 food types including low sagebrush (Artemisia arbuscula Nutt.), big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.), 15 forb species, 2 insect taxa, sagebrush galls, moss, and a trace amount of unidentified grasses. Low sagebrush was the most common food item, but forbs were found in 89% of the crops and composed 30.1% aggregate dry mass (ADM) of the diet. ADM and species composition of female diets were highly variable between collection periods and years, and coincided with temporal variation in forb availability. Adult females consumed more forbs and less low sagebrush compared to yearling females. Because of higher levels of crude protein, calcium, and phosphorus, forbs were important diet components in comparison with low sagebrush, which had the lowest nutrient content of all foods consumed. Our results indicate that increased forb abundance in areas used by female sage-grouse prior to nesting would increase their forb consumption and nutritional status for reproduction. We recommend that managers should emphasize delineation of habitats used by preincubating sage-grouse and evaluate the need for enhancing forb abundance and diversity. 
  • Combined Impacts of Native Grass Competition and Introduced Weevil Herbivory on Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense)

    Ferrero-Serrano, Angel; Collier, Timothy R.; Hild, Ann L.; Mealor, Brian A.; Smith, Thomas (Society for Range Management, 2008-09-01)
    Invading exotics typically face new competitors and an absence of specialized herbivores in their new ranges. Biological control attempts to reunite invasive weeds with coevolved herbivores and restoration can reduce the return of invaders by maximizing competition from native species. The integration of both approaches is seldom examined in detail, although the two should complement each other. We investigated the potential to suppress an important invasive plant, Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense [L.] Scop.), by integrating biological control and competition from two native grasses frequently used in rangeland restoration. We evaluated the impacts of Ceutorhynchus litura F. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a weevil used for Canada thistle biological control, alone and in combination with either needle and thread grass (Hesperostipa comata [Trin. Rupr.] Barkworth) or alkali sacaton (Sporobolus airoides [Torr.] Torr.) in greenhouse competitive plantings. Weevil herbivory reduced root, but not shoot, biomass of Canada thistle. Competition from H. comata did not reduce biomass of thistles, but combinations of the weevil and H. comata greatly reduced thistle root biomass. S. airoides suppressed Canada thistle root biomass independent of weevils. Weevils had a positive indirect effect on the cool-season grass H. comata, presumably by reducing the competitive ability of thistles, but had no effect on biomass of the warm-season grass, S. airoides. Benefits of weevil presence as an augmentation of grass competition appear to depend on appropriate timing, and weevils provided the most benefit to the cool- season competitor. Our results suggest that restoration efforts can be complemented with insect biocontrol agents, although the timing of impact will depend on the particular weed species, grass competitors, and biocontrol insect agents involved. 
  • Microchannels Affect Runoff and Sediment Yield From a Shortgrass Prairie

    Koler, Selina A.; Frasier, G. W.; Trlica, M. J.; Reeder, J. D. (Society for Range Management, 2008-09-01)
    Runoff and sediment yield from rangelands are extremely important variables that affect productivity, but are difficult to quantify. Studies have been conducted to assess erosion on rangelands, but very little has been done to determine if microchannels (rills) affect runoff and sediment yield. Rainfall simulations were used to quantify the effects of microchannels on runoff and sediment loss on a shortgrass prairie with two types of range conditions (good and fair). Natural flow paths within plots in the two range conditions were defined and then enhanced with an ellipse-shaped hoe to create microchannels. Soil from plots was removed at two rates (11.2 t ha-1 and 22.4 t ha-1) to create three soil surface configurations. Soil was removed by vacuuming to create either a single microchannel or multiple microchannels down the plot, and the third treatment was uniform soil removal over the entire plot (sheet). Results showed significantly greater total runoff from both single and multiple microchannel treatments compared with sheet soil removal. The microchannels resulted in significantly less sediment yield per unit of runoff compared with the sheet soil removal treatment. Both runoff and sediment yield were affected by range condition. Plots that were in fair range condition, dominated by buffalo grass (Buchloe dactyloides [Nutt.] Engleman), had a greater amount of total runoff (double) but less sediment yield (75%) than plots in good range condition that were dominated by blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis [H.B.K.] Lag. ex Stued.). The dense buffalo grass sod protected the soil surface from erosion, but water flowed freely across the sod. This study has provided a greater understanding of how microchannels affect runoff and sediment yield under different rangeland conditions, and has illustrated how plant species composition and soil surface features relate to several hydrologic functions. 
  • Long-Term Response Patterns of Tallgrass Prairie to Frequent Summer Burning

    Towne, E. Gene; Kemp, Ken E. (Society for Range Management, 2008-09-01)
    Knowledge of how tallgrass prairie vegetation responds to fire in the late growing season is relatively sparse and is based upon studies that are either spatially or temporally limited. To gain a more robust perspective of vegetation response to summer burning and to determine if repeated summer fire can drive vegetational changes in native tallgrass prairie, we evaluated species cover and richness over a 14-yr period on different topographic positions from ungrazed watersheds that were burned biennially in the growing season. We found that annual forbs were the primary beneficiaries of summer burning, but their fluctuations varied inconsistently among years. Concomitantly, species richness and diversity increased significantly with summer burning but remained stable through time with annual spring burning. After 14 yr, species richness was 28% higher in prairie that was burned in the summer than in prairie burned in the spring. Canopy cover of big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Vitman) and Indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans [L.] Nash) increased significantly over time with both summer and spring burning, whereas heath aster (Symphyotrichum ericoides [L.] Nesom), aromatic aster (Symphyotrichum oblongifolium [Nutt.] Nesom), and sedges (Carex spp.) increased in response to only summer burning. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) cover declined in both spring-burned and summer-burned watersheds. Repeated burning in either spring or summer did not reduce the cover or frequency of any woody species. Most perennial species were neutral in their reaction to summer fire, but a few species responded with large and inconsistent temporal fluctuations that overwhelmed any clear patterns of change. Although summer burning did not preferentially encourage spring-flowering forbs or suppress dominance of the warm-season grasses, it is a potentially useful tool to increase community heterogeneity in ungrazed prairie. 
  • Interannual Herbaceous Biomass Response to Increasing Honey Mesquite Cover on Two Soils

    Teague, W. Richard; Ansley, R. Jim; Pinchak, William E.; Dowhower, Steven L.; Gerrard, Shannon A.; Waggoner, J. Alan (Society for Range Management, 2008-09-01)
    This study quantified herbaceous biomass responses to increases in honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa Torr.) cover on two soils from 1995 to 2001 in north central Texas. Vegetation was sampled randomly with levels of mesquite ranging from 0% to 100%. With no mesquite covering the silt loam soils of bottomland sites, peak herbaceous biomass averaged (6SE) X 300 +/- 210 kg ha-1 vs. –560 +/- 190 kg ha-1 on clay loam soils of upland sites (P = 0.001). A linear decline of 14 +/- 2.5 kg ha-1 in herbaceous biomass occurred for each percent increase in mesquite cover (P = 0.001). The slope of this decline was similar between soils (P=0.135). Herbaceous biomass with increasing mesquite cover varied between years (P=0.001) as did the slope of decline (P=0.001). Warm-season herbaceous biomass decreased linearly with increasing mesquite cover averaging a 73 +/- 15% reduction at 100% mesquite cover (P = 0.001) compared to 0% mesquite cover. Cool-season herbaceous biomass was similar between soils with no mesquite, 1 070 +/- 144 kg ha-1 for silt loam vs. 930 +/- 140 kg ha-1 for clay loam soils, but averaged 340 +/- 174 kg ha-1 more on silt loam than on clay loam soils at 100% mesquite cover (P = 0.004). Multiple regression analysis indicated that each centimeter of precipitation received from the previous October through the current September produced herbaceous biomass of 51 kg ha-1 on silt loam and 41 kg ha-1 on clay loam soils. Herbaceous biomass decreased proportionally with increasing mesquite cover up to 29 kg ha-1 at 100% mesquite cover for each centimeter of precipitation received from January through September. Increasing mesquite cover reduces livestock forage productivity and intensifies drought effects by increasing annual herbaceous biomass variability. From a forage production perspective there is little advantage to having mesquite present. 
  • Effects of Slash on Herbaceous Communities in Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands of Northern Arizona

    Stoddard, Michael T.; Huffman, David W.; Alcoze, Thom M.; Fulé, Peter Z. (Society for Range Management, 2008-09-01)
    Scattering slash (downed woody materials) after tree removal is increasingly prescribed by land managers as a treatment to promote the establishment and growth of understory vegetation in pinyon-juniper woodlands. However, the effects of scattering slash on soil resources and plant communities are poorly understood and often confounded with the release from tree competition. In order to examine how slash affects plant establishment, soil stability, soil nutrients, and soil microbiota, we initiated a 2 X 2 full factorial experiment with two levels of seeding and two levels of slash additions within 30 intercanopy spaces, repeated at two intact pinyon-juniper woodland sites with different soil characteristics in northwestern Arizona. Pretreatment data were collected in 2003 and posttreatment responses were measured in 2004 and 2005. Total plant cover increased within all treatments; however, grasses increased significantly only in the seed-and-slash treatment at both sites. In addition, a greater proportion of seed-and-slash plots contained more reproductively active grasses compared to seed-only plots. Slash treatments also resulted in significantly less sediment movement compared to nonslash treatments. Changes in soil nutrients were not observed, except available NO3-N decreased significantly in slash treatments. Arbuscular mycorrhizal potential and microbial biomass carbon increased as a result of the slash treatment. Addition of woody materials appeared to have general effectiveness at improving the ecological function of soils and promoting understory establishment and thus may be considered a desirable treatment for improving degraded conditions. 
  • Effects of Nitrogen Availability and Cheatgrass Competition on the Establishment of Vavilov Siberian Wheatgrass

    Mazzola, Monica B.; Allcock, Kimberly G.; Chambers, Jeanne C.; Blank, Robert R.; Schupp, Eugene W.; Doescher, Paul S.; Nowak, Robert S. (Society for Range Management, 2008-09-01)
    Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) is the most widespread invasive weed in sagebrush ecosystems of North America. Restoration of perennial vegetation is difficult and land managers have often used introduced bunchgrasses to restore degraded sagebrush communities. Our objective was to evaluate the potential of ‘Vavilov’ Siberian wheatgrass (Agropyron fragile [Roth] P. Candargy) to establish on cheatgrass-dominated sites. We examined Vavilov establishment in response to different levels of soil nitrogen availability by adding sucrose to the soil to promote nitrogen (N) immobilization and examined cheatgrass competition by seeding different levels of cheatgrass. We used a blocked split-split plot design with two sucrose levels (0 and 360 g m-2), two levels of Vavilov (0 and 300 seeds m-2), and five levels of cheatgrass (0, 150, 300, 600, and 1 200 seeds m-2). Seeding was conducted in fall 2003 and 2004, and measurements were taken in June 2004, 2005, and 2006. Sucrose addition decreased availability of soil nitrate but not orthophosphate. In the first year after seeding, sucrose reduced cheatgrass density by 35% and decreased both cheatgrass biomass per square meter and seed production per square meter by 67%. These effects were temporary, and by the second year after seeding, there was a sevenfold increase in cheatgrass density. As a result, the effects of sucrose addition were no longer significant. Sucrose affected Vavilov growth, but not density, during the first year after seeding. Vavilov density decreased as cheatgrass seeding density increased. Short-term reductions in N or cheatgrass seed supply did not have long-term effects on cheatgrass and did not increase Vavilov establishment. Longer-term reductions in soil N, higher seeding densities, or more competitive plant materials are necessary to revegetate areas dominated by cheatgrass. 
  • Carbon Fluxes on North American Rangelands

    Svejcar, Tony; Angell, Raymond; Bradford, James A.; Dugas, William; Emmerich, William; Frank, Albert B.; Gilmanov, Tagir; Haferkamp, Marshall; Johnson, Douglas A.; Mayeux, Herman; et al. (Society for Range Management, 2008-09-01)
    Rangelands account for almost half of the earth’s land surface and may play an important role in the global carbon (C) cycle. We studied net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of C on eight North American rangeland sites over a 6-yr period. Management practices and disturbance regimes can influence NEE; for consistency, we compared ungrazed and undisturbed rangelands including four Great Plains sites from Texas to North Dakota, two Southwestern hot desert sites in New Mexico and Arizona, and two Northwestern sagebrush steppe sites in Idaho and Oregon. We used the Bowen ratio-energy balance system for continuous measurements of energy, water vapor, and carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes at each study site during the measurement period (1996 to 2001 for most sites). Data were processed and screened using standardized procedures, which facilitated across-location comparisons. Although almost any site could be either a sink or source for C depending on yearly weather patterns, five of the eight native rangelands typically were sinks for atmospheric CO2 during the study period. Both sagebrush steppe sites were sinks and three of four Great Plains grasslands were sinks, but the two Southwest hot desert sites were sources of C on an annual basis. Most rangelands were characterized by short periods of high C uptake (2 mo to 3 mo) and long periods of C balance or small respiratory losses of C. Weather patterns during the measurement period strongly influenced conclusions about NEE on any given rangeland site. Droughts tended to limit periods of high C uptake and thus cause even the most productive sites to become sources of C on an annual basis. Our results show that native rangelands are a potentially important terrestrial sink for atmospheric CO2, and maintaining the period of active C uptake will be critical if we are to manage rangelands for C sequestration.