Educational Technology Capstones
Students pursuing a master's degree or graduate certificate in Instructional Design and Technology Program complete a variety of projects as part of their degree experience, from Capstone experiences to literature reviews and research papers. This collection showcases exceptional projects completed by the graduate students.
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Recent Submissions
Augmented Reality in Art EducationAs digital media changes constantly, art education must stay updated with current and emerging technologies and pedagogies in order to stay relevant. One specific technology that has many potential applications in the art classroom is augmented reality (AR), as its uses are diverse and can offer engaging and collaborative experiences to students. This qualitative research examines possible ways in which AR can be utilized in art education, while also studying whether or not AR can enhance three different learning activities set to students in 3rd-10th grade.
Competency-Based Learning in Higher EducationLearning to learn is fundamental. Efforts to embed competence therefore often concentrate on developing transversal skills, or soft skills, such as the ability to think critically, take initiatives, solve problems and work collaboratively (Sullivan and Bruce, 2014). In this paper, competency-based education is discussed. More specifically, a discussion of the Retailing and Consumer Sciences program and its current curriculum will take place. This paper will discuss qualitative research conducted in both the literature as well as in the Retailing and Consumer Sciences program.