Desert Plants, Volume 27, Number 2 (December 2011)
Desert Plants is a unique botanical journal published by The University of Arizona for Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum. This journal is devoted to encouraging the appreciation of indigenous and adapted arid land plants. Desert Plants publishes a variety of manuscripts intended for amateur and professional desert plant enthusiasts. A few of the diverse topics covered include desert horticulture, landscape architecture, desert ecology, and history. First published in 1979, Desert Plants is currently published biannually with issues in June and December.
Digital access to this material is made possible by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum, and the University Libraries at the University of Arizona.
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- Phenotypic Variations in Communities of Calligonum comosum L'Her (Polygonaceae) from Saudi Arabia
- Summary of the February Freeze and Effects on Plants in DELEP's Tucson Fields
- Famine Foods of Rajasthan Desert
- Boyce Thompson Arboretum Freeze Damage Analysis
- Boyce Thompson Arboretum and Desert Legume Program's Search for the Wild Astragalus
Recent Submissions
Phenotypic Variations in Communities of Calligonum comosum L'Her (Polygonaceae) from Saudi ArabiaVegetative community structures and phenotypic variations within Calligonum comosum L'Her communities growing in two different locations in Saudi Arabia, Nefud Al-Shakika and Al-Dahnaa, have been studied. Eleven species have been recorded in both areas; five of them were present in both locations. Ephedra elata and Convolvulus lanatus were recorded in Nefud Al-Shakika only, while Heliotropium bacciferum, Cleome arabica, Dodonaea vis cos a and Erodium gleurocophyllum were found in Al-Dahnaa only. The Importance Values of the species recorded have been calculated and cluster analyses of the studied quadrats have been conducted using TWINSPAN. Vegetative morphological characteristics showed great variation within Calligonum comosum collected from the two locations. Floral morphological characteristics were more stable, except for fruit color and hair which were different in the Calligonum comosum plants grown in the two locations. Epidermal stem secretions as well as mineral content varied in response to change in location. AN OVA tests have been carried out to evaluate the differences between the two areas. The variations in these characteristics are discussed according to the differences in climate, soil and water availability.
Desert Plants, Volume 27, Number 2 (December 2011)University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 2011-12