Desert Plants, Volume 17, Number 2 (December 2001)
Desert Plants is a unique botanical journal published by The University of Arizona for Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum. This journal is devoted to encouraging the appreciation of indigenous and adapted arid land plants. Desert Plants publishes a variety of manuscripts intended for amateur and professional desert plant enthusiasts. A few of the diverse topics covered include desert horticulture, landscape architecture, desert ecology, and history. First published in 1979, Desert Plants is currently published biannually with issues in June and December.
Digital access to this material is made possible by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum, and the University Libraries at the University of Arizona.
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Recent Submissions
Tissue Culture and Cloning of Carnegiea gigantea, CactaceaeCloning has become an established method of supplying valuable timber trees and other plants for commercial purposes. Cloning of these plants allows multiple copies to be produced from superior phenotypes. In this study, in vitro clones were produced from phenotypically selected, commercially available saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea). The clones were produced from tissue plugs obtained from surface sterilized saguaro. The plugs were transferred using standard aseptic technique to culture dishes containing solid Callus Initiation Medium (Gamborg's B-5 medium supplemented with 10 mg/l auxin and 8 g/l agar). The cultures were incubated under continuous cool fluorescent lights at 24 C until callus formation was observed. Healthy callus were transferred to solid Development Medium (Gamborg's B-5 medium supplemented with 10 mg/l auxin, 10.0 mg Kinetin, and 8 g/l agar) and further incubated. Resulting clones were prepared for in vivo conditions by transfer to sterile potting soil and successfully outplanted to the green house. Such clones may supply scarce C. gigantea for future research. The use of single genotypes for ecological applications should be avoided since they lack natural population variability.
Desert Plants, Volume 17, Number 2 (December 2001)University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 2015-05-20