Tree-Ring Bulletin, Volume 46 (1986)
Tree-Ring Research is the peer-reviewed journal of the Tree-Ring Society. The journal was first published in 1934 under the title Tree-Ring Bulletin. In 2001, the title changed to Tree-Ring Research.
The Tree-Ring Society and the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona partnered with the University Libraries to digitize back issues for improved searching capabilities and long-term preservation. New issues are added on an annual basis, with a rolling wall of five years.
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Tree-Ring Bulletin, Volume 46 (1986)Tree-Ring Society, 1986
A Comparison Between Response-Function Analysis and Other Regression TechniquesThree different response-function programs are applied to three tree-ring chronologies, two of Pinus ponderosa Laws. and one of Juniperus occidentalis Hook. These data were analyzed before and after ARMA modeling was applied. The results are described and compared to one another as well as to those obtained from all-steps multiple regression, stepwise multiple regression, ridge regression, and simple correlation. In spite of methodological differences all multivariate methodsproduced remarkably similar results. The results from simple correlation differed the most. Some differences among the response functions were apparent, especially in the coefficients associated with prior growth. The response-function results have smaller error estimates than ridge regression. According to Cropper (1985) this error in the response-function results is underestimated by approximately 40 %. The rationale for the different response-function solutions is discussed.
Climatic Response of Densitometric Properties in Semiarid Site Tree RingsX-ray densitometry has proven useful in dendroclimatic research on relatively fast growing, complacent trees in mesic climates. The best dendrochronological materials, however, come from semiarid-site conifers that grow very slowly, have missing rings, are extremely sensitive to climate, and attain advanced ages. This study presents the first evaluation of X-ray densitometry of Douglas-fir, ponderosa pine, and pinyon from four semiarid sites in the eastern San Juan River Basin (northwestern New Mexico and southwestern Colorado). The relationship of climate with intra-annual tree-ring anatomy is anlyzed. Moving slit X-ray densitometry definest earlywood and latewood zones, yielding eight data types for each annual ring: total ring width, earlywood and latewood width, mean ring density, mean earlywood and latewood density, and minimum earlywood and maximum latewood density. response functions using regional averages of monthly mean temperature and total precipitation indicate that climate may strongly influence all eight types of data, depending on species and site conditions. Low moisture stress (cooler, wetter climate) increases total ring width, earlywood and latewood width, and ring, latewood, and maximum latewood density. High moisture stress increases earlywood and minimum earlywood density. The climate response of the density parameters differs from that reported for conifers in more mesic environments, although selected density parameters from a relatively mesic southwestern site are strongly related to climate. Site selection has nevertheless proven to be an important factor in getting the most climatically sensitive densitometric data. This study demonstrates that densitometry is feasible with conifers from semiarid sites. The intra-annual width and density data derived can increase the climate information available from these dry-site trees and should lead to improved seasonal and annual reconstructions of paleoclimate. Practical constraints imposed by current X-ray densitometric techniques may be removed with promising new procedures such as surface image analysis of cell anatomy.
Dendroclimatology of Mountain Pine (Pinus uncinata Ram.) in the Central Plain of SpainFew dendrochronological studies have been carried out in Spain or Portugal. Mountain pine (Pinus uncinata Ram.) may be especially suitable for investigation because of its broad altitudinal range and great age. Samples from a site in the Sierra de Cebollera were prepared and dated using several cross-dating techniques. The dated series were used to develop a ring-width index chronology that was compared with local climate data. Ring-width variability is related to precipitation, but temperature can also be important, indicating a complex climate response. Future studies of this species will be important for dendroclimatology and for study of ecophysiology of subalpine plants in the Mediterranean area.
Charles Wesley Ferguson, 1922-1986Tree-Ring Society, 1986