NEMO Geospatial Data Collections
Arizona NEMO's mission is to help communities protect their natural resources while still accommodating growth. NEMO is concerned with any issue related to water quality or quantity in the state of Arizona. NEMO stands for Non-point Education for Municipal Officials. The goal of NEMO is to educate land use decision makers to make choices and take actions that will lessen nonpoint source pollution and protect natural resources. This will be accomplished by non-regulatory, research-based education using geospatial information and other advanced technologies for outreach, education, analysis and research. Arizona NEMO helps improve water quality by developing realistic watershed-based plans to achieve water quality standards and protection goals. NEMO recognizes that management of nonpoint source pollutants is inherently spatial, and supports the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to simulate and predict the impact of land-use change. This collection chronicles many of the documents produced by NEMO for the state of Arizona.
Contact UA Campus Repository staff with questions about these collections.
Collections in this community
Wet/Dry Mapping
Part of an on-going project to map all the rivers in Arizona to determine perennial and intermittent stretches on the driest day of the year. -
Wet/Dry Source Data
Shapefiles for Wet/Dry Mapping
Recent Submissions
Photo Database2011-11-18