Atlatl # 1 (1980)
The Arizona Anthropologist is a competitive high-quality annual journal designed, reviewed and published by an editorial board of graduate students in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Arizona. The open access archives are made available as a collaboration between the Arizona Anthropologist and the University of Arizona Libraries.
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Atlatl Number 1, 1980University of Arizona, Department of Anthropology, 1980
Adaptive Strategies in Changing Cultural EnvironmentsA major theme in current anthropology is the study of adaptive strategies employed by man in changing environments. The environment is understood to consist of both natural and social forces which produce internal and external stresses on a cultural system. The system is composed of established adaptive strategies that are employed at any time. This paper is intended to present some observations on the integration process of a formerly independent system (a small Highland Mexican village) into a larger expanding system (urban Mexico City).
A Model Of The Flow of Goods Through A Market CenterSeveral archaeologists (Binford 1977; Goodyear, Raab and Klinger 1978) have recently called for the creation of "middle range theory" in archaeology. By this term they mean the establishment of a body of theory which will help bridge the interpretive gap between static archaeological facts and the dynamic past phenomena responsible for them. This body of theory would encompass such considerations as natural and cultural formation processes (Schiffer 1976; Sullivan 1978). In response to this exhortation I offer the following discussion and model of the flow of goods through a market center.